Americans Absorb Payroll-Tax Rise to Keep Spending: Economy – Bloomberg 03-11-13

Salient to Investors: Brian Jones at Societe Generale said many things are going the right way – more people working means more people spending, which to some extent neutralizes higher taxes. Dean Maki at Barclays expects GDP will rise at a 2 percent annual average pace in half2 from a 1.5 percent rate in half1


Investors Farm English Land for Gains as BlackRock Sells – Bloomberg 03-08-13

Salient to Investors: Knight Frank said English rural land produced some of the best investment returns in Europe since 2007, appreciating by 51 percent versus a 19 percent rise got millionaires’ mansions in London and a loss for rest of the U.K. housing market. Tim Atkinson at J.H. Walter is not expecting an alteration in the


What Billionaires Say And Do About The Stock Market Rally – Bloomberg 03-08-13

Salient to Investors: Larry Trefz  writes: The rally will continue until sentiment turns for the worse, then expect a correction of over 10%. Warren Buffett sees says stocks are good value and cheaper than other forms of investment, while the dumbest investment is long-term government bonds. Stan Druckenmiller sees a


Dollar Hits 2009 High Versus Yen as U.S. Jobs Gain Tops Forecast – Bloomberg 03-08-13

Salient to Investors: Omer Esiner at Commonwealth Foreign Exchange says a growing list of economic indicators suggest a broad-based recovery, and the market is focusing on the US recovery gaining steam, while other major economies remain in stagnation and contraction. Richard Franulovich at Westpac Banking  said risk appetite is firming and we are in a potentially momentous


Copper Traders Diverge From Hedge Funds on Recovery: Commodities – Bloomberg 03-08-13

Salient to Investors: Copper analysts are the most bullish in 5 weeks on optimism the global economy is strengthening versus hedge funds the most bearish since August. Goldman Sachs recommended buying copper for a 16 percent gain to $9000 in 6 months as China copper imports increase. Barclays says China