Whether you choose professional advice or manage your own investments, you will benefit greatly from free access to our database of links to the more insightful articles and market forecasts published in leading financial journals and magazines.  Wisdom from the articles is extracted to help you decide where to spend your precious research time.

This valuable information will not only help you make better investment decisions, but will save you many hours each week searching for the information that influences your investments. Valuable knowledge to help you significantly improve your investment returns, and lower your investment risks.

Why do we share this intelligence gathering with you? Firstly, because when you make better investments, you benefit the overall economy – from which we all gain. Second, because one day you may want an investment advisor or money manager to help manage your investments and finances. When you see how seriously we take our craft, and appreciate the depth of opinion we gather on behalf of our clients, you may choose Investa as your advisor.

No registration is required to access this intelligence. To sign up for email alerts of articles when they are posted, click here.

Research shows that most investment and market analysis won’t help you to increase your investment returns and lower your investment risks. Over time, the majority of mutual funds fail to beat the indexes, even before taxes, while most investors significantly underperform their own investments due to limited emotional intelligence.

Of one hundred who look, only one can see. Of one hundred who see, only one can know – Old Proverb

There’s no shortage of (executive) talent. There’s only a shortage of talent that can recognize talent. – Jerry Wald

The principals at Investa have been collecting and filtering investment wisdom for over 25 years. They have honed their talent at recognizing which analysts and market pundits possess the most insight and investment wisdom.  The investment wisdom Investa shares with you will help make you a much better and more informed investor.

Maximizing your time

Like most investors, you probably don’t have all the time you need to read even a fraction of the articles that are published. Investa’s free database of opinion makes your research easier. By filtering and extracting the more salient analysis and predictions contained in an article – its wisdom – you will be able to determine which articles merit your reading time.

Investa is not responsible for any information on external sites. Readers should be aware that external sites have their own terms and would be wise to read them before evaluating their content. 

Investa ranks the collected wisdom as follows:

∫ – opinions/observations that are profoundly wise

π – opinions/observations that are insightful

δ – opinions/observations that are perceptive

Investa excludes analysis and opinion that is biased or conditional, like that from company executives, political appointees, funded.

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