Salient to Investors: Karen Umland at the DFA Emerging Markets Small Cap Portfolio Fund is slightly overweight India, and had 15 percent of holdings in Taiwan, over 14 percent in South Korea, over 14 percent in China, and 9.2 percent in Brazil at the end of Q1. Umland dislikes Russia
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: US-based emerging-market ETF equities and bonds are heading for their biggest monthly inflow since September, while global tech funds lost the most funds among 12 industries. Richard Titherington at JPMorgan Asset Mgmt said investors recognize emerging-market equities are cheap, rotating into sectors that have underperformed. Jennifer Vail
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Jim O’Neill said: We are closer to a buying opportunity in emerging-market stocks than to joining in the panic. While some places in the emerging world have real problems, to herald an emerging-market crisis is ridiculous. Ukraine, Thailand, Argentina and Turkey have some serious issues. The Fed decision
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Catherine Yeung at Fidelity Investment Mgmt is advising calm, adding that profits are rising and shares just got a lot less expensive as being a contrarian and buying when things seem bad is often a good thing. Goldman Sachs to AMP Capital Investors and JPMorgan Chase are
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman said weak emerging markets are the downside of the mad rush by investors for return in an economic environment that was very poor due to weak economic performance in developed markets. When the amount people want to save exceeds the volume of investments worth making
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Lewis Braham writes: Contrarian funds can be a hedge of sorts, though a potentially volatile one as out-of-favor sectors tend to be cyclical and prone to booms and busts. Shorting is inherently dangerous as markets have been trending higher. Brian Singer at William Blair Macro Allocation Fund
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Jeremy Grantham at BMO writes: The Greenspan-Bernanke policy of excessive stimulus, now administered by Yellen, will continue, and that the path of least resistance, for the market is up. It would take a severe economic shock to outweigh the effect of the Fed’s relentless pumping of the
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Claire Chaves D’Oliveira at Groupama Asset Mgmt sees a risk of a mismatch between investor optimism and company earnings, and says companies have surprised today on the downside on very well-known macro situations, like an emerging-market slowdown, but analysts have not kept up. Dagong Global Credit Rating
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Richard Titherington at JP Morgan Asset Mgmt said: Everyone assumes the US debt default will be averted, but it illustrates that these are uncertain times. Emerging markets are cheap for a reason because in the last 12-24 months they disappointed and there were better returns from the US
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Nouriel Roubini at NYU writes: The rout in the emerging market asset classes is past midway but more is ahead as the recovering West points to Fed tapering. Many stages in the shift in the US and global monetary and financial conditions are to come within the