Palm Oil Seen Dropping as Mistry Has Buy Call on Planters – Bloomberg 09-15-14

Salient to Investors: Dorab Mistry at Godrej Intl said: Palm oil at a 5-year low creates a buying opportunity for plantation and processing company stocks because producers are still making money. Invest in plantations when palm oil prices are low. In Q4, 2008, when in a similar situation with regard to supply,


O’Neill Says Emerging-Market Selloff Creates Buying Opportunity – Bloomberg 02-04-14

Salient to Investors: Jim O’Neill said: We are closer to a buying opportunity in emerging-market stocks than to joining in the panic. While some places in the emerging world have real problems, to herald an emerging-market crisis is ridiculous. Ukraine, Thailand, Argentina and Turkey have some serious issues. The Fed decision


Markets punish South America’s Bad and Ugly economies – BBC News 02-02-14

Salient to Investors: Investors are abandoning emerging economies, good and bad, for the US. Morgan Stanley said Brazil, Indonesia, India, South Africa and Turkey are the Fragile Five – all with large deficits, slowing growth and vulnerable currencies. Argentina is generally credited with starting the general panic after playing fast and


Goldman Bearish Gold Call Overrun by Inflation: Argentina Credit – Bloomberg 03-18-13

Salient to Investors: Argentines are buying more gold than ever to preserve the value of their savings as economists forecast the peso will depreciate 12.9 percent through year-end and the government bans most dollar purchases. Sebastian Porcel at Global Agro said investors see gold futures as a good option to dollarize their portfolios.


Morgan Stanley Buys Argentine Stocks as YPF Deal Lures BlackRock – Bloomberg 01-31-13

Salient to Investors: Timothy Drinkall at Morgan Stanley were overweight in Argentine stocks at the ed of 2012 after avoiding them earlier in the year. Drinkall said valuations are extremely low after government controls on imports and currency markets weakened Argentina’s economy and President Fernandez’s declining popularity has curtailed her ability to implement some of