UBS’s Friedman Favors U.S. Stocks, High-Yield Bonds – Bloomberg 06-28-13

Salient to Investors: Alexander Friedman at UBS says: What Fed has done is not unexpected and the market reacted because it was ahead of itself. All the Fed was saying was that the US is doing OK, that the data is trending as it should, and that it has confidence


Interview with Jim Rogers – Fusion Marketplace 06-13-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers said: When investing, don’t follow the crowd Most government numbers are made up. China has problems with housing and inflation as the US did in the 19th century when it was growing rapidly. Every country that grows rapidly has problems. The US had recessions and


Jim O’Neill Says Get Used to U.S. Yields Nearer 4% Than 2% – Bloomberg 06-11-13

Salient to Investors: Jim O’Neill said: The US is returning to normality so expect 10-yr T-yields to rise toward 4 percent  in the next couple of years as the 30-year bull market in bonds comes to an end. There will be quite ugly days. The global economy is in the early stages of


In One Paragraph, Ben Bernanke Explains Why The Future Is Going To Be So Amazing – Business Insider 05-18-13

Salient to Investors: Ben Bernanke says: Between 1700 and 1970 worker productivity jumped 30 times, and in the last 50 years, life expectancy increased 8 years from 70 to 78, versus 53 years in 1913 when 60-hour work weeks at manufacturing jobs were the norm. In the long-run we will