Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 09-13-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: China’s economy is nearly 2.5 times that of Japan so even if growth slows substantially, China will continue to have seismic effects on the global economy. Henry Kissinger said Republican candidate China-bashing is dangerous and could create an atmosphere a la Europe before WW


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 08-23-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: The last time oil fell more than 50% in less than a year, in the 1980s, the Soviet Union collapsed. Saudi Arabia wants to put American shale and tight oil producers out of business, but they have survived using technology and smart business practices.


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 08-16-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: The Iran nuclear agreement is flawed, but has the toughest terms ever negotiated and sets back Iran’s nuclear program more than any serious military campaign would. Automatic re-imposition of sanctions can be triggered unilaterally by the US. Iran gets sanctions relief regardless because allies will not extend sanctions


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 08-02-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: New America reports that, since 9-11, 74 people have been killed in America by terrorists vs. over 150,000 killed in gun homicides. ShootingTracker.com says that in the first 207 days of 2015 America had 207 mass shootings. Gunpolicy.org says America’s gun homicide rate is 50 times


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 07-12-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: The Economist says Connecticut bankrolls the weaker states in America: 5% of their GDP over the last 20 years has been net income transfers to states like Mississippi and Alabama. Allen Cooperman says the nuclear deal will only take Iran from 2 months away


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 06-28-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: Singapore mandates ethnic diversity in all neighborhoods – over 80% of Singaporeans live in public housing. US efforts in the 50s and 60s to desegregate schools and integrate neighborhoods were largely abandoned by the 80s and America is now strikingly segregated. A UCLA study in 2014 said