Salient to Investors:

Fareed Zakaria said:

  • ITER says there is enough hydrogen in the ocean to power humanity with fusion for millions of years, with zero carbon emissions. China is making super conducting magnet cables, the US is building ITER’s largest magnet, India is making the steel structure that will surround the magnets.
  • The moon landing mission spawned almost miraculous commercial applications: the integrated circuit, Fairchild Semiconductor alumni that founded Intel, GPS technology.
  • Battelle Memorial Institute said human genome sequencing from 1988 to 2010 benefited the economy by almost $800 billion.
  • Recent US funding for R&D has barely kept up with inflation. The National Science Foundation says the US share of global R&D has dropped from 37% in 2001 to 30%. China is on track to surpass the US share of global R&D in just a few years.

Charles Bolden at NASA said a multi-planet species can survive in perpetuity but a single planet species will die.

Stewart Williams at University of Louisville said:

  • We will be able to bioprint a human heart in a single day within 10 years.
  • We can now transform adult cells into other types of cells.
  • When the one major blood vessel in the heart fails, the patient often dies, so we are designing a new heart with 2 or 3 blood vessels for redundancy.

Larry Bonassar at Cornell estimates 3-D printed ears and other body parts could be used in human trials in less than 5 years.

Mark Henderson at ITER said you can get all of the hydrogen you need to power fusion from ocean water.

Michio Kaku said:

  • We have learned more about the brain in the last 15 years than in all of human history. We can photograph a thought and communicate it to a robot or computer. We can see desire, self-awareness and guilt as blood flows as registered by an MRI.
  • The human genome project was about 20,000 genes that governed the human body, whereas the brain has 100 billion neurons, each connected to 10,000 other neurons.
  • Eventually we will connect the human mind to a robot, possibly outliving our bodies.

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