World’s Biggest Market Crashes and You Didn’t Even Know It – Bloomberg 09-30-14

Salient to Investors: Marco Lambertini at The World Wildlife Foundation said: More than half of the world’s vertebrates have disappeared between 1970 and 2010, primarily due to exploitation (37%), habitat degradation (31%), habitat loss (13%), and global warming (7.1%). Meanwhile the human population has nearly doubled. Latin America’s biodiversity dropped 83%,


Four Numbers Say Wind and Solar Can’t Save Climate – Bloomberg 09-20-13

Salient to Investors: Robert Bryce at the Manhattan Institute writes: Any transition away from our existing energy systems will be protracted and costly. Energy transitions occur over decades, even centuries. Coal use in the US is declining, but it is soaring in the developing world and booming in Europe. Global carbon


Our Chat With Jeremy Grantham – The Wall Street Journal 09-20-13

Salient to Investors: Jeremy Grantham at GMO said: Commodity prices fell for a hundred years by an average of 70 percent, and then from 2002 basically everything tripled and regained the whole decline in 6 years – tobacco was the only commodity that fell. The game changed because of the


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 07-28-13

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: For 340 consecutive months, the Earth has been warmer than historic averages. 28 years ago, the Arctic was covered by ice throughout the year as it had been for centuries, but every summer two-thirds of it melts to water. In 2012, 46 commercial ships were allowed


U.S. States Turn Against Renewable Energy as Gas Plunges – Bloomberg 04-22-13

Salient to Investors: 16 of the 29 US states requiring utilities to buy renewable energy are considering paring back those mandates after a plunge in natural gas prices. Read the full article at Click here to receive free and immediate email alerts of the latest forecasts.


Greenhouse Gases Rise to Record Levels in Atmosphere, WMO Says – Bloomberg 11-20-12

Salient to Investors: The UN’s World Meteorological Organization said concentrations in the atmosphere of the three main gases blamed for global warming all rose in 2011 to their highest since records began. The additional carbon dioxide will remain in the atmosphere for centuries, causing further warming and impacting all aspects of life on Earth