Commodities Drop Signals Global Growth Concern: Chart of the Day – Bloomberg 09-22-14

Salient to Investors: The slump in commodity prices to a 5-year low signals investors are cautious about the strength of the global economy. Brent crude touched a 2-year low last week and iron ore at Qingdao is the lowest since 2009. Economists expect China to grow 7.4% in 2014, the weakest


Stocks Triumph 3rd Month in Best Run Since ’09 as Gold Sinks – Bloomberg 12-01-13

Salient to Investors: Bill O’Neill at UBS Wealth Mgmt said the story is still the combination of easy money policies and expectations of growth into 2014 and that growth is on the horizon. The Investment Companies Institute reports individual investors gave $30 billion to managers in 2013, the first net


Our Chat With Jeremy Grantham – The Wall Street Journal 09-20-13

Salient to Investors: Jeremy Grantham at GMO said: Commodity prices fell for a hundred years by an average of 70 percent, and then from 2002 basically everything tripled and regained the whole decline in 6 years – tobacco was the only commodity that fell. The game changed because of the


Bull Wagers Tumble Most This Year as Gold Bets Drop: Commodities – Bloomberg 02-17-13

Salient to Investors: Hedge funds et al reduced net-long positions across 18 US futures and options last week, the largest decline since November 13, as signs of improving US growth reduced demand for gold and rains in South America added to signs that crop harvests will be bigger. Bets on higher gold prices


Emerging Stocks Decline to Three-Week Low as Samsung, Kia Tumble – Bloomberg 01-25-13

Salient to Investors: Laurentia Amica Darmawan at PT First State Investments Indonesia said the currency issue is the biggest risk factor in the foreseeable future for Asian companies, and will continue until we have clarity on how long global monetary easing will last. Credit Suisse lowered Turkish banks to neutral from


Morgan Stanley Backs Gold, Corn, Beans as Best Picks in 2013 – Bloomberg 12-06-12

Salient to Investors: Peter Richardson and Hussein Allidina at Morgan Stanley said: Calls for the end of the commodities super-cycle is too simplistic as commodities are cyclical but the elasticity of supply and demand and length of the cycle vary significantly. Gold, silver and corn will outperform other raw materials next year


Best Metals Forecaster Smirk Sees China Recovering: Commodities – Bloomberg 11-14-12

Salient to Investors: Justin Smirk at Westpac Banking focuses primarily on economic cycles, central banks and financial markets to make commodity predictions. He says: Industrial metals will rally through June 2013 as the economy strengthens in China. China’s economy is at a turning point both for policy and inventories, said We are at the worst