U.S. Rate Rise Sends High-Dividend Stocks Lower: EcoPulse – Bloomberg 12-12-13

Salient to Investors: Brad Kinkelaar at Pimco said: The underperformance of many high-dividend stocks in the past 8 months shows a sentiment shift already is under way. If rates continue to rise through 2014, albeit gradually, telecom, utility and REITs should continue to underperform the market. Look for stocks with


Summers’s Stagnation Draws Doubt From Hatzius: Cutting Research – Bloomberg 12-12-13

Salient to Investors: David Mericle and Jan Hatzius at Goldman Sachs said: US economic weaknesses are more cyclical than secular. US growth will rebound in 2014 to as high as 3.5 percent versus the 2.25 percent average recovery rate so far. The slow rate of recovery is in line with


Learn from Retirement Lessons – Blackrock

Salient to Investors: Blackrock report the top four retirement regrets of retirees: 36% would have started saving earlier, contributing to 401(k) plans sooner and at maximum levels 32% would have spent less 21% would have worked longer 12% would have hired professional financial advice Read the full article at http://www2.blackrock.com/us/individual-investors/insight-education/investor-pulse/finding-5-learn-from-retirement-lessons?cmp=Investor%20Pulse&chn=ppcsyn&c=dianomi&kw=Finding%205&utm_campaign=Investor%20Pulse&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=dianomi&utm_term=Finding%205 Click here


I Cannot See A Crash Anytime Soon – Jim Rogers On The Markets 12-10-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers said global money printing and spending could continue for a while so don’t expect a crash anytime soon, though markets could correct for a while. Congress has moved the debt ceiling and are afraid to do anything about it. Read the full article at http://jimrogersonthemarkets.blogspot.com/2013/12/i-cannot-see-crash-anytime-soon.html Click here


The 2014 Contrarian Investment Tour, From Rupees to Copper – Bloomberg 12-10-13

Salient to Investors: Lewis Braham writes: Contrarian funds can be a hedge of sorts, though a potentially volatile one as out-of-favor sectors tend to be cyclical and prone to booms and busts. Shorting is inherently dangerous as markets have been trending higher. Brian Singer at William Blair Macro Allocation Fund


The U.S. Would Be Better Off Without A Central Bank – Jim Rogers On The Markets 12-09-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers said the Fed will make our problems worse in the end, so we would be better off without a central bank even with the problems of no central bank. Read the full article at http://jimrogersonthemarkets.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-us-would-be-better-off-without.html Click here to receive free and immediate email alerts of the latest