Paulson Says Harm to U.S. From Europe Crisis is Minimal – Bloomberg 06-19-12

Salient to Investors: Henry Paulson at the University of Chicago said Europe will drag on but eventually stabilize and avoid catastrophe. Europeans are committed to monetary union, but isn’t sustainable without some political union. Paulson said government policies is more to blame than banks because it encourages people to save too little and borrow too much. The root causes


Turkey Upgraded to Level Below Investment Grade by Moody’s – Bloomberg 06-20-12

Salient to Investors: Moody’s raisewd Turkey’s credit rating to Ba1, one level below investment grade, on significant improvement in public finances and policies to cut the current-account deficit. Fitch Ratings ranks Turkey at BB+, one level below investment grade, Standard & Poor’s has a BB rating, two levels below investment grade. Moddy’s says Turkey’s diversification


Gross: Too Many `Sharks’ in Bond Market – Bloomberg 06-19-12

Salient to Investors: Pimco’s Bill Gross said Spanish Bonds are unattractive. The global economy is delevering. Best to look at the entire core of the euro zone and not the falling dominos.  Rates at the core are still too high – Italy and France yield is too high versus their nominal GDP growth. There