Salient to Investors: Shane Oliver at AMP Capital Investors said he was not worried until this week because things are much different in China than expected and potentially pose risks for global growth. Oliver said we relied on the Fed and China so much over the last few years that
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Latin America is disappointing investors, economists and businesses with slower-than-forecast growth as waning commodity prices and strong currencies hit nations that failed to diversify and become more competitive. Economists cut Brazil’s 2013 outlook for the second time in 7 days, forecasting the worst 3-year period in a decade.
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Never put too much of your portfolio in a few investments, or in one country or industry. The employee with a significant chunk of his 401(k) in his employer’s stock, or gets his contribution matched in company stock, risks both job and retirement plans if a setback for
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: The IMF says: The global economy will expand 3.3 percent in 2013 versus its 3.5 percent forecast in January, and 4 percent in 2014. The euro area will contract 0.3 percent in 2013 versus its forecast of a 0.2 percent retreat in January. Expect a 3-speed recovery led by emerging
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Martyn Davies at Frontier Advisory said there’s a shift in power from the traditional to the emerging world, with much geo-political concern about this in the western world. Foreign direct investment into BRICS nations accounted for 20 percent of global FDI flows versus only 6 percent in
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Jim O’Neill at Goldman Sachs says: China equities are very cheap and are the best place to be in 2013. Don’t expect draconian tightening in China as inflation last year was way below their target and the government has been careful not to stimulate economy too much and are doing a good
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: The Bovespa stock index is down 6.6 percent in 2013, the worst performer in 94 indexes after Jamaica. The median analysts expects Brazil, the world’s second-largest emerging economy after China, to grow 3.5 percent in 2013 versus 1 percent in 2012. Read the full article at Free
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Joaquim Levy at Bradesco Asset Mgmt said the Bovespa index may rally 25 percent to 70,000 as the economic rebound offsets the raising of interest rates by July by the central bank to combat inflation. Levy said the government will have to stop making noises that could erode investors’ confidence
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Joseph Stiglitz said: The richest 1% of Americans have doubled their wealth since 1980 and now hold 25% of the country’s wealth, yet the median income level in the US had not changed since the early 1990s. The American dream has gone: the US has one of the worst
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: The IMF said: The world economy will grow 3.5 percent in 2013 and 4.1 percent in 2014, versus 3.2 percent in 2012. The euro region will shrink 0.2 percent in 2013, led by Spain and slowing growth in Germany, and grow 1 percent in 2014. The euro region poses a