S&P 500 Erases Loss for Week on Earnings, Spending Data – Bloomberg 01-30-14

Salient to Investors: David Kelly at JPMorgan Funds said the Fed looks justified in continuing to taper given economic momentum and recent sharp declines in the unemployment rate. Kelly said assuming the volatility in emerging markets subsides, this economic report should bolster the case for both higher interest rates and


Ken Fisher Warns: RIA World Gone in 10 Years – ThinkAdvisor 11-21-13

Salient to Investors: Ken Fisher at Fisher Investments said: Ending QE would be the most bullish thing we can do because it is not a stimulus – it flattens the yield curve and slows things down. We are doing well despite QE, not because of it. Historically, a steeper yield


Mobius Shuts Frontier Fund to New Investors on Record Inflow – Bloomberg 09-25-13

Salient to Investors: The Templeton Frontier Markets Fund closed its fund to new money, as record cash inflows turned frontier markets into the world’s best performers in 2013 – the MSCI Frontier Markets Index is up 13 percent in 2013 versus a 4.6 percent drop in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.


The Cautionary Tale of Lord Grantham – Bloomberg 05-15-13

Salient to Investors: Never put too much of your portfolio in a few investments, or in one country or industry. The employee with a significant chunk of his 401(k) in his employer’s stock, or gets his contribution matched in company stock, risks both job and  retirement plans if a setback for


Best Stock Pickers Trawl Frontier Markets as U.S. Funds Lose – Bloomberg 02-01-13

Salient to Investors: Stocks in the least-developed markets are producing annual returns at least 7 percent higher than mutual fund managers around the world. Carlos von Hardenberg at Franklin Templeton Investments said their companies are overlooked and under-owned. Sam Vecht at BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust is much more positive on frontier countries