Blackstone Rushes $2.5 Billion Purchase as Homes Rise – Bloomberg 01-09-13

Salient to Investors: Jonathan Gray at Blackstone said the market is moving much faster than anybody thought possible, and housing is much stronger than people anticipated. Blackstone is buying in Atlanta, Chicago, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Northern and Southern California; Miami, Orlando and Tampa, Florida, through foreclosure auctions and short sales. Anthony Paolone at JPMorgan said the home


Major Bank, Economists Agree: Market Collapse Will Strike in 2013 – Money News 01-09-13

Salient to Investors: JPMorgan report that stocks have retraced the pattern from the last two big market rallies and now face a decline in 2013 of over 50%. Nouriel Roubini at NYU says there is a chance of an economic “perfect storm” in 2013 due to a worsening eurozone crisis,


Fortress Finds Bargain in Non-Office Assets and Debt in Japan – Bloomberg 01-08-13

Salient to Investors: Thomas Pulley at Fortress Investment plans to buy real estate debt backed by rental apartments, retail space and business hotels in Japan’s metropolitan areas. Pulley says the deleveraging and asset-cleansing process has occurred more at the mid-size than the larger properties.  Pulley is underweight offices because the differential between


Hedge Funds Squeezed With Shorts Beating S&P 500 – Bloomberg 01-07-13

Salient to Investors: The 20 stocks with the highest short sales in the S&P 500 rose an average of 5.1 percent in December versus 0.7 percent for the Index, the widest performance gap since January 2012. Equities tend to rally when companies with the most short interest outperform – like in


Mobius Buying More Malaysian Stocks; May Sell Indonesian Banks – Bloomberg 01-07-13

Salient to Investors: Mark Mobius at Templeton Emerging Markets says the Malaysian administration has been very good for the markets and will continue to be so, and is buying more Malaysian shares on the country’s economic growth prospects. Mobius is possibly cutting back on Indonesian banks and Indian natural-resources stocks due to valuations. The Jakarta Finance Index