S&P 500 Off to Best Start Since ’87 as Stocks Lead Gains – Bloomberg 01-31-13

Salient to Investors: Paul Zemsky at ING Investment Mgmt sees much momentum for stocks even after such a good start to the year: earnings are strong, world economies are bottoming and valuations are attractive. EPFR Global report $39 billion moved into equity mutual funds in 2013, more than double the comparable period in


Endowment Returns Fail to Keep Pace with College Spending – Bloomberg 01-31-13

Salient to Investors: Commonfund and the NACUBO said US university endowments lost on average 0.3 percent in the year ended June 30 after gaining 19.2 percent a year earlier. Over a third of the schools reported receiving less in donations than a year earlier. Harvard’s endowment fell 4.1 percent, Yale’s less than 1


Treasuries Trail Stocks by Most in 15 Months Before Jobs – Bloomberg 01-31-13

Salient to Investors: Treasuries are trailing stocks by the most since October 2011. Hiromasa Nakamura at Mizuho Asset Mgmt said the current rise in yields is due to Fed easing, while investors expect money to go into riskier assets, and equity markets are rising. Bill Gross at Pimco said unprecedented central


Morgan Stanley Buys Argentine Stocks as YPF Deal Lures BlackRock – Bloomberg 01-31-13

Salient to Investors: Timothy Drinkall at Morgan Stanley were overweight in Argentine stocks at the ed of 2012 after avoiding them earlier in the year. Drinkall said valuations are extremely low after government controls on imports and currency markets weakened Argentina’s economy and President Fernandez’s declining popularity has curtailed her ability to implement some of


Biggest Defense Spending Dive Shows Risk of U.S. Cuts – Bloomberg 01-31-13

Salient to Investors: Eric DeMarco at Kratos Defense & Security Solutions said politicians on notice  that if they don’t fix the drop in defense cuts, the country is going back into recession. Benjamin Mandel at the Bureau of Economic Analysis said on an annualized basis, defense spending for the year fell 3.1 percent from 2011. Kevin Brancato


Where to Invest While Markets Remain ‘Risk-On’ – Bloomberg 01-30-13

Salient to Investors: A. Gary Shilling at A. Gary Shilling & Co writes: Investor zeal for yield and disregard for risk favors the junkiest of the junk. When the grand disconnect between investor focus on the immense liquidity created by central banks and weak and weakening global economies becomes unsustainable, probably


Rising Bond Yields Show Bernanke QE Converges With Growth – Bloomberg 01-30-13

Salient to Investors: James Hamilton at the University of California said interest rates are climbing as asset purchases help bolster confidence in economic growth. Hamilton said the economy picking up puts upward pressure on yields regardless of what the Fed is doing on the bond supply side, pleasing the Fed. Jonathan Wright at Johns Hopkins said