Tech Stocks Are Cheapest in Seven Years – Bloomberg 04-29-13

Salient to Investors: Tech, energy and financial stocks are the most inexpensive industries in the S&P 500 with multiples of less than 14 times earnings. US tech stocks, the second-best industry of the past decade, are at 13 times projected earnings, the lowest level versus the S&P 500 in at least 7 years. Analysts


Reinhart-Rogoff Rebuttal Says UMass Critics Politicized Debt – Bloomberg 04-26-13

Salient to Investors: Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff at Harvard acknowledged on April 17 that they had inadvertently left some data out of their calculations in “Growth in a Time of Debt”, but the error did not change their basic findings that countries with public debt in excess of 90 percent of GDP suffered measurably


Americans Spend Less on Finance as Doubt Lingers: EcoPulse – Bloomberg 04-26-13

Salient to Investors: Americans are allocating a smaller share of their spending to investment-related fees since the recession, a sign they are still wary of returning to financial markets. Stuart Hoffman at PNC Financial Services said people are shying away from stocks since the recession and have not really re-engaged in


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Equilibrium – GMO Quarterly Letter 04-26-13

Salient to Investors: Ben Inker writes: Capitalism should cause the return on capital to be in line with the cost of capital, and assets with similar risks should offer similar long-term returns. Equities should trade at replacement cost, and the long-term return to equities should be approximately the same as


European Stocks Post Biggest Weekly Gain in Five Months – Bloomberg 04-26-13

Salient to Investors: Graham Bishop at Exane BNP Paribas said market psychology has firmly bought into the prospect of policy escalation, and poor economic data is reinforcing such expectations – liquidity strength trumps growth weakness. Read the full article at Click here to receive free and immediate email alerts of the latest forecasts.


The Race of Our Lives – GMO Quarterly Letter 04-26-13

Salient to Investors: Jeremy Grantham writes: The world, in its reckless use of resources and natural systems, shows many of the indicators of potential failure that brought down many prior civilizations. However, we have two saving graces that may save us – declining fertility rates and progress in alternative energy.