Who Goes to Cash Shows Extent Bonds Will Become Bear Market – Bloomberg 07-01-13

Salient to Investors: TrimTabs Investment Research and the Money Fund Report report bond funds saw $61.7 billion of withdrawals last week. Market bears say yields barely exceed inflation, leaving little relative value in bonds as the global economy improves. Pimco, BlackRock, and DoubleLine Capital say the worst is over because the


Hedge Funds Cut Gold Bets as Goldman Lowers Outlook: Commodities – Bloomberg 06-30-13

Salient to Investors: Money managers reduced their net-long position in gold to the lowest since June 2007, while shorts climbed to the second-highest on record. ETP holdings are at a 3-year low. Banks from Goldman to Credit Suisse cut their gold forecasts last week. Mark Luschini at Janney Montgomery Scott said


Global Bonds Dive for Second Month as Stocks Lose $2.7 Trillion – Bloomberg 06-30-13

Salient to Investors: Binky Chadha at Deutsche Bank said the market had been pricing in that the Fed would normalize rates much more slowly than it has done historically, and the shock has spilled over across all of the asset classes. The World Bank said the world economy will expand 2.2 percent


Lacker Says Markets to Stay Volatile as Fed Debates Tapering – Bloomberg 06-28-13

Salient to Investors: Jeffrey Lacker at FRB of Richmond said Financial markets will remain volatile as policy makers debate tapering, part of the process of incorporating new information into financial asset prices. Reaction to Bernanke’s comments is evidence that they had built-in expectations of more asset purchases than I think the