Miami Tops U.S. Foreclosures as Banks Selling in Boom – Bloomberg 07-11-13

Salient to Investors: Foreclosure auctions surged last month, signaling lenders are preparing to sell a backlog of distressed properties amid rising home prices. RealtyTrac said total US foreclosure filings are the lowest since December 2006. S&P/Case-Shiller report prices for single-family homes in the Miami metro area climbed 13 percent in April from a year earlier,


Emerging Markets Are Stuck on Fed’s Elevator Ride – Bloomberg 07-10-13

Salient to Investors: Jim O’Neill writes: Too much of the world’s trade and finance is conducted in dollars. The exorbitant privilege has lasted too long. It is time one or two of the emerging-market governments did something about the US’s ability to borrow in its own currency – an advantage the rest


Broken Systems Plus Bad Ideas Equals Lame Recovery – Bloomberg 07-10-13

Salient to Investors: Clive Crook writes: The global economic recovery is hardly worthy of the name – the IMF again reduced its growth forecasts. Recessions involving financial crashes are harder to recover from than ordinary downturns. The failure of international cooperation is most egregious in the EU, where the EU core


Property Crushes Hedge Funds in Alternative Markets – Bloomberg 07-10-13

Salient to Investors: Hamilton “Tony” James of Blackstone Group said stocks were a fool’s game compared with alternative investments. and investing in alternatives makes sense even when they underperform. James said the return from these idiosyncratic investments are very uncorrelated to the broader markets, so portfolio volatility falls. Hedge funds have been