The Five Ways Deflation Has Already Taken Hold – Bloomberg 03-26-13

Salient to Investors: A. Gary Shilling at A. Gary Shilling & Co. says 5 of the 7 varieties of deflation are present in the US economy. Commodity price deflation will continue as oversupply continues to swamp demand amid weak global growth and a hard landing in China, which remains export-driven. The slow global


New Critical Warning as 2013 shocker looms – MarketWatch 03-25-13

Salient to Investors: Paul Farrell writes: We are at a market top and an economic turning point. Bernanke’s non-stop cheap-and-easy-money printing presses are loved by Wall Street banks but are bad for the rest of America. His reappointment – certain to become Obama’s greatest domestic blunder – so shocked Nassim Taleb


Risk Unrewarded as Emerging Stocks Lag Behind Most Since ’98 – Bloomberg 03-25-13

Salient to Investors: The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is up 22 percent since its October 2011 low versus the 33 percent advance for the MSCI World Index – the first time since 1998 they have underperformed during a global rally. Bulls say emerging markets will lead the next stage of the global rally


China-Bashing Lets EU Embrace Jekyll and Hyde: Cutting Research – Bloomberg 03-21-13

Salient to Investors: University of St. Gallen economists found that nations that pushed the EU to probe China for product dumping later secured greater trade with her. Lead author Simon J. Evenett said in the last decade, France and Germany made 51 protests, and Italy 41. Trade missions and visits by government ministers to China boosted exports. Michael


U.S. Stocks Decline on European Economy, Cyprus Concerns – Bloomberg 03-21-13

Salient to Investors: Eric Thorne at Bryn Mawr Trust said we have not seen any major resolution to Europe, yet stocks ignore what’s going on there and reach all-time highs anyway. LEELAMARCUM.COM/IMAGES/ Witold Bahrke at PFA Pension A/S said Europe is in desperate need for growth, but today’s bad PMI is signaling a