Fareed Zakaria: American innovation is in trouble – The Washington Post 01-01-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria writes: New studies suggest that American innovation is in trouble and that the glittering examples of Facebook et al are deceptive. We are eating the seed corn and not laying the groundwork for the next great tech revolutions. Silicon Valley’s roots are deeply tied to government


Global AgeWatch Index: Norway best for older people – BBC News 09-30-14

Salient to Investors: HelpAge International said: Norway is the best of 96 countries to grow old in, followed by Sweden, Switzerland, Canada and Germany. Afghanistan is the worst. Australia, Western Europe and North America rank highly. By 2050, 21% of the global population will be over 60, when 40 of the 96


Bubble Trouble Seen Brewing in Australia Home Prices – Bloomberg 11-06-13

Salient to Investors: Housing in Australia accounts for 60 percent of average household wealth versus a global average of 45 percent. Average household debt has been near 150 percent of annual income since 2006 versus 135 percent in the US. House prices have not fallen more than 10 percent in


Central Banks Spewing Cash Need to Plan Exit Timing, Rohde Says – Bloomberg 02-28-13

Salient to Investors: Danish central bank Governor Lars Rohde said world central bankers need to plan for monetary tightening to avoid feeding asset bubbles. Rohde said there is no short-term alternative to global easing, given the state of the real economy. Jacob Graven at Sydbank A/S said it will be the same