All Praise To Barack Obama For Stiffing The War Party – Peace Is Finally Being Given A Chance – David Stockman’s Contra Corner 07-17-15

Salient to Investors: David Stockman  writes: Obama’s Keynesian policies are deplorable. The Iranian nuclear deal could mark a decisive turning point in rolling back US destructive interventionism and imperial pretensions in the Middle East and the world. Iran is not hell-bent on obtaining nuclear weapons as shown by the 2007 National Intelligence


US/Israeli/Saudi ‘Behavior’ Problems – 07-15-15

Salient to Investors: Robert Parry writes: Iran is not the chief instigator of instability in the Mideast, but Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US. Iran is contributing to the stability of the region and at a minimum helping to avert the worst outcomes. In Iraq and Syria, Iran is supporting internationally recognized


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 03-29-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: The pattern of Yemen’s descent into chaos is likely to repeat, possibly in more significant countries like Egypt. That pattern is repressive, secular regimes backed by the West become illegitimate, become more repressive to survive, and whose opposition becomes more extreme, religious and violent. Learning


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 03-22-15

Fareed Zakaria said: The greatest vulnerability for Israel is its legal jurisdiction over 4.5 million Arabs who have neither a state nor a vote – a situation that cannot last in a democratic society. The Stockholm IPRI says Israel’s defense budget is larger than that of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon


Fareed Zakaria: American innovation is in trouble – The Washington Post 01-01-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria writes: New studies suggest that American innovation is in trouble and that the glittering examples of Facebook et al are deceptive. We are eating the seed corn and not laying the groundwork for the next great tech revolutions. Silicon Valley’s roots are deeply tied to government