Salient to Investors: Jeff Reeves of writes: Manipulating the markets with high-frequency trading is extremely complicated, hard to track, and even harder to determine violations of laws or regulations. Half of all trading volume in US equity markets supposedly involves high-frequency trading (HFT), which is now a global concern.
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Michael Lewis said: Charles Munger says high-frequency trading is the functional equivalent of letting a lot of rats into a granary. Electronic trading has rigged the market against ordinary investors, particularly in America, by allowing high-frequency traders to front run institutional investors and skim billions of dollars from the
READ MORE... →Fareed Zakaria said: The greatest vulnerability for Israel is its legal jurisdiction over 4.5 million Arabs who have neither a state nor a vote – a situation that cannot last in a democratic society. The Stockholm IPRI says Israel’s defense budget is larger than that of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Michael Lewis writes about hard times for Wall Street kids. Read the full article at