Central Banks Have Shot Their Wad – Why The Casino Is In For A Rude Awakening, Part I – David Stockman’s Contra Corner 07-25-15

Salient to Investors: David Stockman writes: The central banks have shot their wad after increasing their aggregate balance sheet from $3 trillion to $22 trillion over the last 15 years, which falsified financial prices. The coming deflation will bring a plunge in corporate profits and collapsing prices of vastly inflated risk asset classes. The


Commodities Collapsed Just Before The Last Stock Market Crash – So Guess What Is Happening Right Now? – The Economic Collapse 07-22-15

Salient to Investors: Michael Snyder writes: Global debt is at record highs, too big to fail banks have never been more reckless, and global financial markets have never been more primed for a collapse. Most people lack the patience to wait for long-term trends to play out so if the stock market is


The Free Market Is Dead – Goldman Says China Is A Buy! – David Stockman’s Contra Corner 07-20-15

Salient to Investors: Michael Pento at Pento Portfolio Strategies writes: In not allowing participants to sell stocks, China has fallen off the free market wagon. The same China that believes that economies grow by building empty cities. China’s actions are the antithesis of capitalism and free markets so it shocking to


Beijing You Have A Problem – China’s Factory Sector Has Been Shedding Jobs For 20 Straight Months – The Wall Street Journal 07-20-15

Salient to Investors: China’s “new normal” of slower but better growth is a battle for survival for many businesses. The HSBC/Markit PMI shows that factories have cut jobs for 20 consecutive months, May seeing the biggest cuts since the global financial crisis. Read the full article at http://www.wsj.com/articles/for-many-firms-chinas-new-normal-spells-doom-1437355230 Click here to receive free and