Great Rotation Seen Muted by Pension-Fund Demand: Credit Markets Bloomberg 11-13-13

Salient to Investors: A shift by household investors from bonds into equities is being muted as pension funds and insurers boost fixed-income assets to match future obligations. JPMorgan Chase and Milliman said US companies with the largest defined-benefit pensions raised allocations to fixed-income to 41.3 percent from 36 percent in


Central Banks Drop Tightening Talk as Easy Money Goes On – Bloomberg 10-23-13

Salient to Investors: Continued stimulus on cooling global growth led by weakening in developing nations amid stagnant inflation and job growth in much of the industrial world risks inflating asset bubbles central bankers will have to face later. Talk of unsustainable home-price increases is spreading from Germany to New Zealand,


European Stocks Little Changed as Sulzer Lowers Forecast – Bloomberg 10-17-13

Salient to Investors: Claire Chaves D’Oliveira at Groupama Asset Mgmt sees a risk of a mismatch between investor optimism and company earnings, and says companies have surprised today on the downside on very well-known macro situations, like an emerging-market slowdown, but analysts have not kept up. Dagong Global Credit Rating


U.S. Stocks Fall After Debt Deal as IBM, Goldman Tumble – Bloomberg 10-17-13

Salient to Investors: Disruptions to the economy prompted speculation the Fed would maintain the pace of its $85 billion in monthly bond purchases. BlackRock Inc. and Pacific Investment Management Co. say the Fed will postpone tapering as a result of the debt-ceiling debate. Russ Koesterich at BlackRock said the disruption