Don’t Worry About the Bull Market; Worry About the Dollar: Richard Bernstein – ThinkAdvisor 06-22-15

Salient to Investors: Richard Bernstein at Richard Bernstein Advisors writes: The bull market is intact. Markets rise after the Fed starts raising as earnings trump rising rates, and there is no end of cycle behavior, like excessive leverage or a big buildup in inventories except for energy. The MSCI European


January Reflecting a Neutral to Bearish 2014 Forecast – Chartwatchers 01-25-14

Salient to Investors: Tom Bowley at Invested Central/ writes: Market technicals have slowly deteriorated with the highly influential banking industry reversing hard last week with a long-term negative divergence present on its weekly chart. Longer-term momentum on the buy side is slowing. The latest rally in the S&P 500 actually


Investors Expecting U.S. Markets With Best Return in Poll – Bloomberg 05-15-13

Salient to Investors: Bloomberg Global Poll: International investors are the most bullish on the US and Japanese markets in more than 3.5 years as both economies are seen to be improving. Over 40% will reduce gold exposure over the next 6 months, close to 3 times more than those who