Learn from Retirement Lessons – Blackrock

Salient to Investors: Blackrock report the top four retirement regrets of retirees: 36% would have started saving earlier, contributing to 401(k) plans sooner and at maximum levels 32% would have spent less 21% would have worked longer 12% would have hired professional financial advice Read the full article at http://www2.blackrock.com/us/individual-investors/insight-education/investor-pulse/finding-5-learn-from-retirement-lessons?cmp=Investor%20Pulse&chn=ppcsyn&c=dianomi&kw=Finding%205&utm_campaign=Investor%20Pulse&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=dianomi&utm_term=Finding%205 Click here


Nobel laureate: Everyone should have a financial adviser – InvestmentNews 12-05-13

Salient to Investors: Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller said: People make better decisions with financial advisers. A lack of good financial advice was one of the problems that led to the financial crisis. Many Americans went into unsupportable debt to buy homes, which a good financial adviser would not have let


Ken Fisher Warns: RIA World Gone in 10 Years – ThinkAdvisor 11-21-13

Salient to Investors: Ken Fisher at Fisher Investments said: Ending QE would be the most bullish thing we can do because it is not a stimulus – it flattens the yield curve and slows things down. We are doing well despite QE, not because of it. Historically, a steeper yield


GE to IBM Ending Retiree Health Plans in Historic Shift – Bloomberg 09-09-13

Salient to Investors: America’s biggest employers are increasingly moving retirees to insurance exchanges where they select their own health plans, a historic shift that could push more costs onto US taxpayers. Towers Watson said 44% of companies plan to stop administering health plans for their former workers over the next