GE to IBM Ending Retiree Health Plans in Historic Shift – Bloomberg 09-09-13

Salient to Investors: America’s biggest employers are increasingly moving retirees to insurance exchanges where they select their own health plans, a historic shift that could push more costs onto US taxpayers. Towers Watson said 44% of companies plan to stop administering health plans for their former workers over the next


Obamacare Insurance Costs Affordable, Kaiser Survey Finds – Bloomberg 09-04-13

Salient to Investors: Larry Levitt at the Kaiser Family Foundation said for the most part insurers are finding the market for Obamacare attractive and are pricing accordingly. Levitt said it is surprising how inexpensive some of the Bronze plans will be: they carry high deductibles and significant out-of-pocket costs, but for


Stalking the Silent Financial Killer in Our Midst – Bloomberg 04-09-13

Salient to Investors: The vast majority of older Americans face steep and rising health-care costs that threaten to bankrupt them and are doing little to protect themselves. Only 1 in 5 companies with at least 10 employees offers long-term care insurance. Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care. Millions face spending themselves into