Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 05-24-15

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: Britain, which created the world we live in, has become parochial and has essentially resigned as a global power: a tragedy for us all. The Royal United Services Institute predicts that the British army could shrink to 50,000, smaller than at any point since the 1770s


Three Pie Charts That Prove You Shouldn’t Slack Off in College – BloombergBusinessWeek 09-02-14

Salient to Investors: Richard Arum at NYU and Josipa Roksa of University of Virginia found: Students who did as little as possible during college continued to drift after graduation. Many college students took easy courses, regarded themselves as privileged customers, socialized heavily, and came away with little to show for


Financial advice that is popular — and wrong – Financial Post 08-01-13

Salient to Investors: The maxim “Don’t take a mortgage into retirement with you”’ is no longer true given mortgage rates close to historic lows and lower than on any other loan now or in the future.  Better to invest surplus money dollars in a retirement investment account which should return more


How Demographics Hold Back U.S. Job Creation – Bloomberg 07-22-13

Salient to Investors: A. Gary Shilling at A. Gary Shilling & Co writes: The total labor-force participation rates tend was 63.5 percent in June 2013 versus 67.4 percent in early 2000. The participation rates of 16-to 24-year-olds has declined sharply since 2000 as slow economic growth, limited jobs and rising unemployment rates have encouraged


Why Barbers Should Buy Stocks – Bloomberg 02-20-13

Salient to Investors: Moshe Milevsky at York University says: People with stable careers and regular paychecks – tenured professors, accountants, nurses etc. – should invest in bonds. People with variable incomes tied to the market or economy – salesmen, brokers, home builders, entrepreneurs etc. – should buy stocks. The most