Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman writes: One thing about Cassandra is that she was always right. Austerity has been a monstrous exercise in unethical human experimentation. In any kind of communications profession, above all have something to say, don’t try to be clever and counterintuitive as if in the entertainment
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman writes: Paul Ryan’s proposal of slashing the top tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent, yet somehow raising 19.1 percent of G.D.P. in revenues are even more fraudulent than his proposals in 2010 and fortunately this time getting the derision it deserves. Draconian austerity is simply not needed
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Derivatives traders are signaling little chance of a bear market in bonds for the next three years, because the Fed continues to flood the financial system with money to boost the economy. William O’Donnell at RBS Securities said the focus of the Fed is still unemployment, which it sees as not
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman said to some extent we are hurt by Chinese growth since we compete for limited supplies of oil, minerals, etc. The U.S. needs to give China more of a voice in trade policy because the alternative is much less appealing. China is the largest polluter in
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Paul Krogman writes: The American economy is by most measures deeply depressed. Corporate profits are at a record high because capital is grabbing an ever-larger slice at labor’s expense. The wage gap between those with a college education and those without grew a lot in the 1980s and early 1990s but hasn’t
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman of Princeton University said: The US and EU are nowhere close to ending the financial crisis and German-led austerity efforts may lead to a 1930s-style economic depression. The US needs maximum help from the Fed and another round of stimulus -which should be directed to distressed individuals
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman at Princeton: US economy is terrible with 4 million out of work for over a year, causing devastation to families and damaging to the economy’s long-term future because its harder for them ever to re-enter the workforce. The whole private sector is paying down debt, and if everyone tries to do
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Bloomberg study of 314 upgrades, downgrades and outlook changes since 1974 shows interest rates moved in the opposite direction 47 percent of the time for Moody’s and for S&P. IMF studies show prices moved in the expected direction 45 percent of the time for developed countries and 51 percent for