Who Goes to Cash Shows Extent Bonds Will Become Bear Market – Bloomberg 07-01-13

Salient to Investors: TrimTabs Investment Research and the Money Fund Report report bond funds saw $61.7 billion of withdrawals last week. Market bears say yields barely exceed inflation, leaving little relative value in bonds as the global economy improves. Pimco, BlackRock, and DoubleLine Capital say the worst is over because the


Global Bonds Dive for Second Month as Stocks Lose $2.7 Trillion – Bloomberg 06-30-13

Salient to Investors: Binky Chadha at Deutsche Bank said the market had been pricing in that the Fed would normalize rates much more slowly than it has done historically, and the shock has spilled over across all of the asset classes. The World Bank said the world economy will expand 2.2 percent


Don’t Panic as Bond Market Ship Not Sinking, Pimco’s Gross Says – Bloomberg 06-26-13

Salient to Investors: Bill Gross at Pimco said: Bond yields and risk spreads were too low 2 months ago and global markets that were too leveraged are now reducing risk The Fed tilted over-risked investors to one side of an overloaded and over-levered boat when discussing tapering, so don’t panic.


Lost Decade for Bonds Looms With Growing Return for Equities – Bloomberg 06-24-13

Salient to Investors: 10-year Treasuries yield 2.61 percent versus the S&P 500 aggregate earnings yield of 6.4 percent – more than double the average spread of 1.9 points since 2000. Investors are avoiding longer-term Treasuries, concerned that returns will be depressed for years, and money managers foresee the end of a rally that


Pimco Wary on Junk Debt in Asia as Slowdown Hurts Profits – Bloomberg 05-11-13

Salient to Investors: Tomoya Masanao at Pimco said: Investors should be wary of high-yield borrowers as slowing growth in Asia threatens profitability. China will average 6 percent to 7.5 percent annual growth during the next 5 years versus 9 percent annual for the past 5. Companies in Asia outside Japan almost tripled junk bond sales


Gross Says Jobs Report Suggests Fed Won’t Taper Bond Buying – Bloomberg 06-07-13

Salient to Investors: Bill Gross at Pimco said: The Fed will not taper with unemployment rising to 7.6 percent and very dire metrics for the average work week and wages, but a more normal economy requires the Fed to raise interest rates to more normal levels because QE and low interest rates are distorting capital