Biggest Danish Pension Fund Girds for End to Crisis Stimulus – Bloomberg 10-30-13

Salient to Investors: ATP, Denmark’s biggest pension fund said: Unprecedented stimulus from the biggest central banks has supported prices in “risky” markets, including equities, so investors need to brace themselves for potential disruptions when normalization of monetary policy comes, as recent investor reaction to the Fed’s warning of tapering showed


Buffett Says Gains in Housing Fall Short of Equilibrium – Bloomberg 10-24-13

Salient to Investors: Warren Buffett said the US housing market is coming back but housing starts are not at an equilibrium point, where they match household formation. Buffett said housing will rebound because of increasing population and limited supply. Buffett said the US has made significant progress since 2009 after


Central Banks Drop Tightening Talk as Easy Money Goes On – Bloomberg 10-23-13

Salient to Investors: Continued stimulus on cooling global growth led by weakening in developing nations amid stagnant inflation and job growth in much of the industrial world risks inflating asset bubbles central bankers will have to face later. Talk of unsustainable home-price increases is spreading from Germany to New Zealand,


IMF Cuts Global Outlook, Warns of U.S. Default Threat – Bloomberg 10-08-13

Salient to Investors: The IMF said: Advanced economies are gradually strengthening while growth in emerging-market economies has slowed. The effects of any failure to repay US debt would be felt right away, leading to potentially major disruptions in financial markets, both in the US and abroad, though this has a


Recession Warnings Found in Asset Price Declines: Cutting Research – Bloomberg 10-03-13

Salient to Investors: John C. Bluedorn, Joerg Decressin and Marco E. Terrones at the IMF said: Slumping asset prices show a recession is probably on its way for the G-7 economies as declining asset prices are significantly associated with the beginning of an economic contraction. From 1970 to 2011, stocks