La Dolce Vita Eludes Italian Students Found Unemployable – Bloomberg 06-09-13

Salient to Investors: The Italian higher-education system lets undergraduates linger on campus for years and retake final exams 6 times, and schools are disconnected from the economy and only recently opened campus career offices. No Italian schools, public or private, are in the top 200 in the Times Higher Education’s


Gross Says Jobs Report Suggests Fed Won’t Taper Bond Buying – Bloomberg 06-07-13

Salient to Investors: Bill Gross at Pimco said: The Fed will not taper with unemployment rising to 7.6 percent and very dire metrics for the average work week and wages, but a more normal economy requires the Fed to raise interest rates to more normal levels because QE and low interest rates are distorting capital


Former Reagan Budget Director Argues Against Bailouts, for Financial Discipline – PBS Newshour 06-04-13

Salient to Investors: David Stockman says: We are in serial bubbles. Greenspan and Bernanke have inflated bubbles for years by keeping interest rates low. A system of bubble finance is geared towards massive borrowing and speculation on leverage, everyone will do it  – a gambler’s dream. Financial markets are full