China to Influence Emerging Economies More Than U.S., HSBC Says – Bloomberg 01-09-13

Salient to Investors: Stephen King at HSBC said we are moving away from a US or Europe led world to a world led by China, which will make its biggest-ever contribution to global growth in 2014. King said China’s growth will rise to 8.6 percent in 2013 versus 7.8 percent in 2012, and 5.4 percent for the


Obama-Congress U.S. Budget Battle Benefits From No Grand Bargain – Bloomberg 01-09-13

Salient to Investors: History shows that presidents’ most ambitious ventures often create as many problems as they solve. Barbara Perry at the University of Virginia said presidents act first and think later about the long-term consequences. best packages Obama’s long-run budget forecasts call for exploding deficits beyond the customary 10-year planning period


Major Bank, Economists Agree: Market Collapse Will Strike in 2013 – Money News 01-09-13

Salient to Investors: JPMorgan report that stocks have retraced the pattern from the last two big market rallies and now face a decline in 2013 of over 50%. Nouriel Roubini at NYU says there is a chance of an economic “perfect storm” in 2013 due to a worsening eurozone crisis,


Mobius Buying More Malaysian Stocks; May Sell Indonesian Banks – Bloomberg 01-07-13

Salient to Investors: Mark Mobius at Templeton Emerging Markets says the Malaysian administration has been very good for the markets and will continue to be so, and is buying more Malaysian shares on the country’s economic growth prospects. Mobius is possibly cutting back on Indonesian banks and Indian natural-resources stocks due to valuations. The Jakarta Finance Index


Cheap Money Era That Saved U.S. Housing Seen Bottoming – Bloomberg 01-07-13

Salient to Investors: The era of increasingly cheap money is showing signs of ending in the mortgage bond market. Bill Gross at Pimco said bond investors should anticipate reduced returns as bets on mortgage securities are over in terms of the capital appreciation – expect total returns in 2013 of 3 to 4 percent. Brean