Did Bernanke Signal Return of Risk-Off Market? – Bloomberg 06-27-13

Salient to Investors: A. Gary Shilling at A. Gary Shilling & Co. writes: Short stocks and commodities, go long the dollar and Treasuries – if stocks continue to decline, the safety of Treasuries and investment-grade bonds will outweigh concerns about the end of QE. World economies are growing slowly at


Goldman Says Real, Lira, Rand Must Weaken to Close Trade Deficit – Bloomberg 06-21-13

Salient to Investors: Themistoklis Fiotakis at Goldman Sachs said to curtail widening current account deficits, the Turkish lira, South African rand and Indian rupee would need to depreciate 30 percent on a trade-weighted basis, while the Brazil real and Chile peso need to fall 20 percent. Fiotakis said the EM bond


Rigged-Benchmark Probes Proliferate From Singapore to UK – Bloomberg 06-18-13

Salient to Investors: If there is a chance to rig benchmark rates in world markets, someone will try. Charles Geisst at Manhattan College said time and again all these markets have been influenced by major market-makers – a polite way of saying they have been rigged. Barclays, UBS, and RBS have been fined $2.5


Interview with Jim Rogers – Fusion Marketplace 06-13-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers said: When investing, don’t follow the crowd Most government numbers are made up. China has problems with housing and inflation as the US did in the 19th century when it was growing rapidly. Every country that grows rapidly has problems. The US had recessions and