Global AgeWatch Index: Norway best for older people – BBC News 09-30-14

Salient to Investors: HelpAge International said: Norway is the best of 96 countries to grow old in, followed by Sweden, Switzerland, Canada and Germany. Afghanistan is the worst. Australia, Western Europe and North America rank highly. By 2050, 21% of the global population will be over 60, when 40 of the 96


Slow-Growth Forecasts Are Wrong – BloombergView 07-16-14

Salient to Investors: Gary Shilling writes: The pessimistic economic theories are wrong. Weak growth will NOT last forever despite the Reinhart-Rogoff findings that the economy contracts at a 0.1 percent annual rate when government debt exceeds 90 percent of GDP. In the late 1970s and early 1980s many economists presumed