German Stocks Advance as Economic Confidence Increases – Bloomberg 02-27-13

Salient to Investors: Benoit Peloille at Natixis said the Italian elections raise the risk that reforms underway may be blocked, but stocks remain fundamentally attractive – the only asset class that has not yet benefited from the abundance of liquidity. Read the full article at Free email alerts of articles as


Berkshire’s Too-Big-to-Mess-With Bid for Heinz – Bloomberg 02-26-13

Salient to Investors: Alice Schroeder writes: By many accounts, Warren Buffett has pulled off another brilliant feat in spotting an opportunity in food stocks, yet he never made a significant investment when Heinz lagged the S&P 500 from December 2008 to January 2013, and since January 1997. Heinz’s stock was fairly priced before the


Gold’s Cycle Seen Turned by Goldman Sachs as ETP Holdings Drop – Bloomberg 02-26-13

Salient to Investors: Damien Courvalin and Jeffrey Currie at Goldman Sachs said the cycle for gold prices, which rose for 12 straight years, has turned as the U.S. recovery gathers momentum and investment holdings collapse. Goldman lowered its 3-month target to $1,615, 6-month forecast to $1,600, and 12-month forecast to $1,550, and reversed its


U.S. Stocks Advance Amid Better-Than-Estimated Reports – Bloomberg 02-26-13

Salient to Investors: Brad Sorensen at Charles Schwab said the economic numbers are holding up really well, and housing rebounding will continue, feeding into consumer confidence. 74 percent of S&P 500 companies so far reporting quarterly results have beat estimates. The index is at 14.8 times reported earnings versus the average


Wall Street Junk Kings Selling Debt Poised to Lose Value – Bloomberg 02-26-13

Salient to Investors: Wall Street firms are once again selling debt that may be poised to lose value. Wall Street is selling junk bonds at a record pace after they returned 19 percent in 2012, but says it’s obvious that prices will drop when interest rates rise. The amount of


Ken Heebner Bets 21% of His Stock Fund Against Treasuries – February 26 2013

Salient to Investors: Kenneth Heebner at the CGM Focus Fund has bet 21 percent of his find on a decline in U.S. Treasuries as the growing US economy eventually prompts the Fed to boost interest rates. At the end of 2012, the fund was 29 percent invested in banks, 24 percent in homebuilders. Heebner said


Grantham Says Assets ‘Brutally Overpriced’ on Fed Policy – Bloomberg 02-26-13

Salient to Investors: Jeremy Grantham at Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo said: All global asset prices are too high because of Federal expansive monetary policy. US companies, other than quality stocks with stable earnings and low debt, and most global growth equities, are brutally overpriced. US large-caps, excluding quality stocks, will lose


China’s Slower Manufacturing Casts Shadow Over Recovery – Bloomberg 02-25-13

Salient to Investors: HSBC’s Flash PMI shows China’s manufacturing is expanding at the slowest pace in 4 months. Zhang Zhiwei at Nomura said the report casts some shadow over China’s recovery. Qu Hongbin at HSBC said the recovery’s underlying strength is still intact, as indicated by expanding employment and pickup of credit growth. The median


Pimco Joins Invesco Finding Value in TIPS With Low CPI – Bloomberg 02-25-13

Salient to Investors: Bank of America Merrill Lynch indexes show the gap in yields between linkers and governments reached a 21-month high of 1.70 percent. Economists forecast consumer-price gains of 2.72 percent in 2013, in line with the 10-year average. Index-linked securities are favored because sovereign-debt returns are being erased