Dimensional Winning in Emerging Markets: Riskless Return – Bloomberg 07-08-14

Salient to Investors: Karen Umland at the DFA Emerging Markets Small Cap Portfolio Fund is slightly overweight India, and had 15 percent of holdings in Taiwan, over 14 percent in South Korea, over 14 percent in China, and 9.2 percent in Brazil at the end of Q1. Umland dislikes Russia


World Economy in Best Shape for 18 Months, Poll Shows – Bloomberg 11-29-12

Salient to Investors: Andrea Guzzi at IST Investmentstiftung fuer Personalvorsorge said the global economy is recovering and healing, thanks to the US and the emerging markets – more people are becoming wealthy, less and less are poor. Guzzi said many countries have oversized banking sectors. Gala Prada at Fiatc Mutua de Seguros y Reaseguros expects