Advice After Stock Market Drop: Take Some Deep Breaths, and Don’t Do a Thing – The New York Times 08-21-15

Salient to Investors: Stocks are most useful for long-term goals so it does not make sense to change your investment strategy based on a blip (sic) of market activity. There is absolutely nothing abnormal going on in the market. Research shows that long-term portfolio performance suffers badly by missing just a few days


Fidelity Reviewed Which Investors Did Best And What They Found Was Hilarious – Business Insider 09-04-14

Salient to Investors: James O’Shaughnessy of O’Shaughnessy Asset Mgmt said: Fidelity found that their best performing accounts were those of people who forgot they had an account with them. The shorter you hold a stock, the more likely you are to lose money. Barry Ritholtz found that when families fought over inherited


REMINDER: You Are ‘Shockingly’ Terrible At Investing – Business Insider 08-12-14

Salient to Investors: Richard Bernstein at Richard Bernstein Advisors found: Over the period from December 31, 1993 to December 31,  2013, the average mutual fund investor underperformed every asset class and category, including cash, except Asian emerging market and Japanese equities. The average investor would have improved performance by simply


Did you miss this foreign stocks boom? – MarketWatch 07-31-2104

Salient to Investors: Pundits calling for a huge decline in equities are either the absolutely certain types, who have stuck to their prediction for years, and the less media-savvy academics and heads of research at big investment firms who see a decline but after the market goes higher. The last