Retail Sales in U.S. Rose 0.9% in August on Auto Demand – Bloomberg 09-14-12

Salient to Investors: Millan Mulraine at TD Securities said retail sales are not as strong as the headline number suggests as the price of gas will divert from discretionary spending. Jenny Lin at Ford said economic fundamentals remain modest but stable. Read the full article at


China Gets Worst Ranking in Global Poll Since 2010 – Bloomberg 09-07-12

Salient to Investors: In a Bloomberg poll of 847 investors, analysts and traders: A quarter expect Chinese markets to be among the worst performers over the next year. 46 percent, the highest, say U.S markets offer among the best returns over the next year. 18 percent expect commodities to offer the highest


German Stock Ownership Highest Since 2007 as Yields Fall – Bloomberg 09-07-12

Salient to Investors: More Germans have bought equities the most in five years due to inflation rising and less security and stability in bonds because of concerns surrounding Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain – Germans traditionally loved government bonds. Share ownership declined almost every year in the decade through 2011. Economist forecasts compiled by Bloomberg predict


S&P 500 Climbs to Four-Year High as ECB Details Bond Plan – Bloomberg 09-06-12

Salient to Investors: S&P 500 Index at highest since 2008. The Dow at highest since December 2007. Dan Veru at Palisade Capital Management said we are peeling away the uncertainties little by little, and Draghi is serious about putting Europe on a positive path. David Pearl at Epoch Investment Partners said the U.S. data is moving positively and we’re


Investors Pay Premium for Scots Fund Making 84 Percent in Crisis – Bloomberg 09-05-12

Salient to Investors: Bruce Stout at Aberdeen Asset Management said: Central bankers are going round and round in the credit cycle believing that reducing interest rates will cure the illness that’s completely different from the past. We are no further ahead defining the main issue: the crisis of public sector indebtedness, which will take


Gross Says Age of Credit Expansion Led Fund Returns Over – Bloomberg 09-05-12

Salient to Investors: Pimco’s Bill Gross said: Investors face an age of inflation, a headwind for both stocks and bonds. The cult of equity was dying, and long-term equity returns of 6.6 percent above inflation – the Siegel Constant – won’t be seen again. Institutional investors will find the highest returns in countries with faster growth