Wealthy Americans Gain Even as Republicans Decry Redistribution – Bloomberg 09-28-12

Salient to Investors: The Census Bureau Gini Index shows income inequality reached a new high in 2011. Quarterly corporate profits have almost doubled since the end of 2008, while workers’ inflation- adjusted average hourly earnings have declined. Anne Mathias at Guggenheim Securities said said fifty years ago it was how the other half lived,


Consumer Spending in U.S. Stagnates – Bloomberg 09-28-12

Salient to Investors: Ryan Sweet at Moody’s Analytics said the consumer will be unable to lead the recovery. The saving rate dropped to the lowest since April, while disposable income had its weakest reading since November. The jobless rate has exceeded 8 percent for 43 months, the longest stretch since monthly records began in


U.S. Stocks Fall Amid Concern Over Stimulus Efforts – Bloomberg 09-25-12

Salient to Investors: Malcolm Polley at Stewart Capital said things won’t improve as fast as people think, and Fed’s actions won’t lead to higher growth. FRB of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser said this months new bond buying by the Fed won’t boost growth or hiring and may jeopardize Fed credibility. The Dow is 5.3 percent from its