Salient to Investors: Ed Morse at Citigroup said the lowest oil price in 4 years will provide as much as $1.1 trillion of stimulus to global economies by lowering the cost of fuels and other commodities, which are energy intensive to one degree or another. Combined production from the US
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Eswar Prasad at Cornell and Brookings said: The US economic numbers looks good and the recovery is strengthening, but the rest of the world is weakening and there is a real fear Ebola could become something bigger. Policy-makers in the rest of the world have no room
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Thomas Friedman writes: Is the US and Saudi Arabia engaged in another global war with Russia and Iran like when they pumped the former Soviet Union to death? Oil export revenues account for 60% of Iran’s government revenues and more than 50% of Russia’s. Oil producers Libya,
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: The Economist said that: During the first 6 years of Reagan’s presidency, the US economy grew 22% and the median household income grew by 6%. During the first 6 years of Clinton’s presidency, the US economy grew 24% and the median household income increased 11%. During the first 6 years
READ MORE... →Fareed Zakaria said: Over time, countries that grow economically tend to become more democratic, excepting oil-rich states that are run by dictators. China will not become a Western-style liberal democracy, but should consider Singapore’s example. Minxin Pei wrote in 2006 that China had had virtually no move toward political openness
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Fundacion Alternativas said 700,000 Spaniards left Spain between 2008 and 2012. The National Statistics Institute reports 547,890 left in 2013, 79,306 of them Spanish nationals born in Spain. Spaniards are fleeing 25% unemployment and flocking to Latin America, including Brazil, where language barriers are few, the cost of
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: David Bloom et al at HSBC said: A sustained rise in the dollar may be insufficient to push inflation back to target in countries struggling with the threat of deflation, but it could buy them time and help prevent inflation expectations becoming permanently detached from target. History
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman writes: Bill Gross’s fall is a symptom of depression denial syndrome: the refusal to acknowledge that the rules are different in a persistently depressed economy. Since 2008, the US has been stuck in a liquidity trap – a desired saving glut with no place to
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Christine Lagarde at the IMF said: The global economic outlook is less positive than in April but is still in recovery, and improved from a year ago. IMF growth forecasts for Hong Kong have not changed. The financial crisis left more major scars and legacies that the
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Randy Bateman at Huntington Asset Advisors said investors have always relied on the Fed priming the pump, which ends this month so investors are moving focus to the many geopolitical situations and economic concerns. Economists forecast growth from Japan to China will slow every year through 2016. Tim Courtney at Exencial Wealth