Japan’s Fear of Risk Is Getting Dangerous – BloombergBusinessweek 12-06-12

Salient to Investors: Mary Brinton at Harvard said Japan suffers from a play-it-safe mentality which focuses more on potential downsides rather than on opportunities. Brinton and Toshio Yamagishi at Tamagawa University say the breakdown of the lifetime employment system may be the main anxiety that leads people to play it safe – there’s still a prejudice against hiring


Obama’s Tax Increases Will Find the Middle Class – Bloomberg 12-05-12

Salient to Investors: Caroline Baum says: the effect of raising tax rates on labor supply is small since most don’t have the option to work less. the cut in marginal rates is minimal compared with earlier cuts from 70 percent to 50 percent to 28 percent in 2001 and 2003, which were followed by a decade of mediocre


Global Banking Under Siege as Nations Tighten Local Rules – Bloomberg 12-05-12

Salient to Investors: Mayra Rodriguez Valladares at MRV Associates said being big and global isn’t what it used to be, and sees global banks jettisoning divisions abroad and at home. UBS, Citigroup and RBS are reversing decades of global expansion. Charles Dallara at the Institute of International Finance said globalization of financial markets said reversing decades of going


Japan Can End Deflation in Months, Shirakawa Professor Says – Bloomberg 12-05-12

Salient to Investors: Professor Koichi Hamada said the BOJ’s efforts to end decades of deflation are very weak, as is its policy of buying short-term government bonds. Instead it could buy foreign bonds and debt with longer maturities, and increase purchases of REITs and ETFs. Any inflationary concerns could be eased by raising interest rates. Hamada said the


Three Economic Bears Seek Goldilocks Economy in U.S. – Bloomberg 12-05-12

Salient to Investors: David Rosenberg at Gluskin Sheff said: the economy is stuck in the mud and it will be a wageless recovery – the fiscal cliff would trigger a recession. Housing is bottoming out. and banking is on the mend and banks are more willing to lend money. likes gold-mining stocks and utilities, dividend-paying healthcare, utility and consumer-staples stocks. likes


Paulson Said to Blame Bet Against Europe for Most of Loss Bloomberg 12-04-12

Salient to Investors: John Paulson at Paulson & Co. said he has reduced bets that the EU sovereign-debt crisis would worsen following ECB comments in July that it was committed to preserving the euro. Paulson said the recovery in housing is a bright spot in the U.S. economy. Read the full article at http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-04/paulson-said-to-blame-bet-against-europe-for-most-of-loss.html


Most Accurate Forecaster Sees Lethargic U.S. Expansion – Bloomberg 12-03-12

Salient to Investors: Joshua Shapiro at Maria Fiorini Ramirez the US economy will grow 1.5 percent in 2013. monetary policy is having a limited near-term impact on growth the $1 trillion U.S. fiscal deficit is an important drag on future expansion. adjustments that affect the economy are all very long-term and are