Bond Traders Whip Inflation Angst as India to Hungary Cut Rates – Bloomberg 02-12-13

Salient to Investors: Bond investors are lowering their outlook for inflation in developing markets to a 9-month low. Alessandro Bee at Bank Sarasin sees moderate growth compared to recent years, which should keep inflation in check and create a really nice environment for local bond markets. Bank of America said investors see


Fed’s Lacker Says Crisis in 2007 Worsened by Rescue Policy – Bloomberg 02-12-13

Salient to Investors: Richmond Fed researchers estimate that at the end of 2011, 57 percent of financial sector liabilities benefited from perceived government support, versus 45 percent over a decade ago. FRB of Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker said: The financial system was weakened further in 2007 and 2008 by an ambiguous rescue


Dividends Top Bond Yields by Record as Limited Pays 10% – Bloomberg 02-11-13

Salient to Investors: The MSCI World Index dividend yield of 2.7 percent compares with the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Corporate Index bond yield of 2.6 percent and the Barclays Global High-Yield Index yield of 6.1 percent -the gap with the junk-bond index is the narrowest since at least 1995. Jacob de Tusch-Lec at


Hedge Funds’ Fourth Bullish Week Boosts Copper Bets – Bloomberg 02-11-13

Salient to Investors: Hedge funds et al boosted net-long positions across 18 US futures and options last week, marking the longest stretch of gains in more than 6 months. Michael Strauss at Commonfund said economically sensitive commodities will do well in a favorable global environment for commodities. The Intl Copper Study Group and Johnson Matthey estimate the


China Eclipses U.S. as Biggest Trading Nation – Bloomberg 02-10-13

Salient to Investors: China surpassed the US to become the world’s biggest trading nation in 2012. Jim O’Neill at Goldman Sachs said China is becoming rapidly the most important bilateral trade partner for many countries – Germany may export twice as much to China by the end of the decade as it does


Stein Sees Signs of Excessive Risk Taking in Some Markets – Bloomberg 02-07-13

Salient to Investors: Federal Reserve Governor Jeremy Stein says: Significant reaching-for-yield behavior in corporate credits are early signs of potentially excessive risk-taking, while not posing a threat to financial stability. A decline in the quality of debt through greater subordination or less use of protective covenants also signal reaching for yield. It