Sociologist Nancy DiTomaso – Tavis Smiley 09-02-13

Salient to Investors: Nancy DiTomaso at Rutgers said: You cannot network with those you don’t know, and racial inequality in the job market is not so much about discrimination as it is about favoritism. People hire people like themselves, meaning whites hire other whites. People essentially get jobs because other


Weil’s View on Finance, Afternoon Edition – Bloomberg 08-30-13

Salient to Investors: Steve Hanke at Johns Hopkins University said inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, but hyperinflation is always and everywhere a political phenomenon. payday short term loan Ricardo Hausmann at Harvard says the Fed’s planned tapering is not the only reason why emerging-market stocks and bonds


Academics Need a Visit to the Real World – Bloomberg 08-26-13

Salient to Investors: Caroline Baum writes: Arvind Krishnamurthy at Northwestern and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen at Berkeley found that Treasury purchases themselves have had limited beneficial spillovers to private borrowers, i.e. the Treasury was able to borrow at lower interest rates but not the rest of us. The researchers found that the