Interview with Jim Rogers – Fusion Marketplace 06-13-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers said: When investing, don’t follow the crowd Most government numbers are made up. China has problems with housing and inflation as the US did in the 19th century when it was growing rapidly. Every country that grows rapidly has problems. The US had recessions and


Fed`s Liquidity Injections Are Not Creating Credit For The Real Economy – Dr Nouriel Roubini Blog 06-13-13

Salient to Investors: Nouriel Roubini writes: QE is not creating credit for the real economy, but instead boosting leverage and risk-taking in financial markets. Issuance of risky junk bonds under loose covenants and with excessively low interest rates is increasing, the stock market is reaching new highs, despite the growth slowdown,


Pimco Wary on Junk Debt in Asia as Slowdown Hurts Profits – Bloomberg 05-11-13

Salient to Investors: Tomoya Masanao at Pimco said: Investors should be wary of high-yield borrowers as slowing growth in Asia threatens profitability. China will average 6 percent to 7.5 percent annual growth during the next 5 years versus 9 percent annual for the past 5. Companies in Asia outside Japan almost tripled junk bond sales


Jim O’Neill Says Get Used to U.S. Yields Nearer 4% Than 2% – Bloomberg 06-11-13

Salient to Investors: Jim O’Neill said: The US is returning to normality so expect 10-yr T-yields to rise toward 4 percent  in the next couple of years as the 30-year bull market in bonds comes to an end. There will be quite ugly days. The global economy is in the early stages of