Who Does America’s Banker Want as Fed Chairman? – Bloomberg 08-05-13

Salient to Investors: William Pesek writes: Asians  Indonesians, Malaysians, South Koreans and Thais have not gotten over Larry Summers’ role in forcing austerity measures on governments in the late 1990s. Asians were puzzled by the 1999 Time magazine cover heralding Summers, Greenspan and Rubin as “The Committee to Save the World” for their free-market solutions to


China’s Debt Surge Pressures Xi-Li to Avert Lost Decade – Bloomberg 08-05-13

Salient to Investors: 50% of surveyed economists say non-performing local-government and corporate debt will significantly impact China’s credit and economic growth, and expect China to deal with bad loans at local governments in the next 18 months by expanding the muni-bond market and letting localities refinance with direct bond sales. JPMorgan


A Bubble Continues To Form In The Stock Market – Seeking Alpha 08-02-13

Salient to Investors: James A. Kostohryz writes: Stock valuations are currently within or even slightly above a broad range that could be considered “normal” and not at bubble levels, but unprecedented levels of excess liquidity, declining liquidity preference, and a number of fundamental, technical and psychological indicators strongly indicate a bubble is forming. Probabilities favor


Walsh’s Unconstrained Wins in Bond Rout: Riskless Return – Bloomberg 07-30-13

Salient to Investors: Money managers are betting that bond funds that are unconstrained by duration, strategy or region will attract money as interest rates rise and investors shift assets from traditional fixed-income offerings, which are limited in how they can react to falling bond markets.  Unconstrained funds generally can increase in value


Investors Are Lab Rabbits in Central Bank Experiments – Bloomberg 07-28-13

Salient to Investors: Vincent Reinhart at Morgan Stanley said investors are the little white lab rabbits in the central bank experiments. Gilles Moec at Deutsche Bank said the potential for the dialog between the central banks and the market to fail is significant. Nathan Sheets et al at Citigroup said the UK