Wall Street Job Seekers Find No Bottom for Analysts: Muni Credit – Bloomberg 02-07-13

Salient to Investors: The dwindling role of bond insurance and yields at four-decade lows is fueling demand for muni analysts. Paul Sorbera at Alliance Consulting said the demand has significantly raised salaries. Jeff Burger at Standish Mellon Asset Mgmt said basis points matter in a low-yield environment. Investors have become more confident buying uninsured or lower-rated debt.


Longest Bonds Lose Appeal After Best Year: Muni Credit – Bloomberg 12-12-12

Salient to Investors: Bill Gross at Pimco recommends avoiding longer-term Treasuries because of steps to boost the economy. Guy Davidson at AllianceBernstein said longer bonds have much more downside than upside, and recommends switching to the 10-yr to 15-yr maturity range. The median economist expects the Fed to continue to buy Treasuries at


First Year of Losses Since ’08 Warns Morgan Stanley: Muni Credit – Bloomberg 12-05-12

Salient to Investors: Morgan Stanley and Municipal Market Advisors says investors should prepare for the first year of muni-bond losses since 2008 Bank of America Merrill Lynch says munis have earned 20 percent since the start of 2011, the best two-year run since 2001. The median analyst expects 10-yr T-bond yields to rise