Here Are the Ominous Signs a Crushing Stock Market Correction Looms – 08-15-15

Salient to Investors: James Hickman writes: Uninterrupted streaks in which the S&P 500 closes within 10% of its all ­time peak historically precede sudden declines: viz the tech bubble of the 1990s and the credit/housing bubble of the 2000s. The median decline from the peak is ­43% and typically takes 13


Fidelity Reviewed Which Investors Did Best And What They Found Was Hilarious – Business Insider 09-04-14

Salient to Investors: James O’Shaughnessy of O’Shaughnessy Asset Mgmt said: Fidelity found that their best performing accounts were those of people who forgot they had an account with them. The shorter you hold a stock, the more likely you are to lose money. Barry Ritholtz found that when families fought over inherited


3 reasons the Dow doesn’t deserve to be at 17,000 Opinion: The bull market in stocks is running for all the wrong reasons – MarketWatch 06-10-14

Salient to Investors: David Weidner writes: Five years into a slow paced economic recovery is good reason to be buying stocks, because rapidly growing economies usually goes belly up as quickly as they rise. The stock market always leads the economy but a 155% rise in the Dow since 2009