Jim Rogers says he doesn’t own Gold mining stocks – Jim Rogers blog 07-17-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers writes: I don’t own gold mining stocks. There are many other easier ways to own gold. Miners have stiff competition from many different coins, ETFs, ETNs, and futures. Read the full article at  http://www.jimrogers.info/2013/07/jim-rogers-says-he-doesnt-own-gold.html Click here to receive free and immediate email alerts of the latest forecasts.


Gold miners have a difficult time ahead – Jim Rogers blog 07-16-13

Salient to Investors: Jim rogers writes: Gold miners have a very difficult time ahead of them. One study determined that more money has been lost in gold mining shares than any other industry in America including airlines and railroads. Read the full article at  http://www.jimrogers.info/2013/07/gold-miners-have-difficult-time-ahead.html Click here to receive free and immediate


The Chart That Shows When The Federal Reserve Will End Quantitative Easing – Business Insider 07-16-13

Salient to Investors: Priya Misra  at BofA Merrill Lynch says the spread between 5-year/5-year breakeven inflation expectations and 5-year/5-year real rates is her favorite chart for determining when the market expects the Fed to QE. The chart shows interest rate markets are pricing in an additional $200-300 billion of bond purchases.


The Social-Media Bubble Is Quietly Deflating – Bloomberg Businessweek -7-16-13

Salient to Investors: CB Insights said social-media companies drew only 2 percent of the venture capital headed to Internet-based enterprises last quarter, versus 6 percent each quarter in the 2-year stretch that ended in mid-2012. Anand Sanwal at CB Insights said big data and cloud companies are grabbing the attention of