Money Fund Lehman Moment Lurks as New Protections Stall – Bloomberg 09-05-13

Salient to Investors: Sheila Bair at Systemic Risk Council, a nonpartisan group whose members include Paul Volcker and Paul O’Neill, said nothing has fundamentally changed to address the structural weaknesses of money funds. To halt the 2008 Lehman-triggered run, the Treasury Department guaranteed all money-fund shareholders against losses from default. The


Shiller Warns of Housing Bubble After 225% Surge: Brazil Credit – Bloomberg 09-05-13

Salient to Investors: Robert Shiller said a housing bubble is emerging in Brazil as home prices have risen as much as twice the increase in rent prices, and housing bubbles are brewing in emerging markets including China, Taiwan, India, Russia, Colombia, Canada and Hong Kong. Shiller said Brazil prices doubling


You keep companies out of India citing national security – Jim Rogers Blog 09-05-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers writes: India should make its currency convertible, end deficit spending, and free up the economy, especially agriculture. To open a retail outlet in India is tough for Indians but takes years for foreigners. In China, there are foreign companies everywhere. Read the full article at


Indian companies are successful because of their relationship to the government – Jim Rogers Blog 09-04-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers writes: All Indian companies are successful domestically because of links with the government, but apart from two software companies, few if any Indian firms who have made it big in the international scene. Many Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese companies are very big globally. Read the